Sisters of Saint Elisabeth and Filles de Marie with Bishop Denis Wiehe

In 1939, Father Maurice founded ‘l’OEuvre de Sainte Elisabeth’, destined to accommodate the elderly.
In 1942, he founded a Congregation for local nuns who would take charge of the charity.
In 1943, the Sisters moved from Château Fort, to their new unfinished convent.
From 1944 the sisters taught catechism. They opened a boarding house for the students of Saint Joseph College, and those at Praslin and La Digue. They then open a crèche, and the charity develops further: a property at La Misère was put at their disposal by Mr Marcel Lemarchand. The place was named La Solitude, and it was transformed into a livestock and plant farm, with a farmhouse.
After the death of Father Maurice on 11th February 1963, the charity and the congregation continued to grow: orphanage at Anse Etoile, ‘Foyer de la Providence’, convents on Praslin and La Digue. But with time, vocations dwindled. There was a need to save the charity and the community of Saint Elisabeth. By a decision of the Holy See on 16th December 1999, the Congregation merged with that of the ‘Filles de Marie de La Réunion’.