The Renewal of the Church Today

This chapter, written by the Bishop, tells us about the present evolution of this portion of the Church situated in Seychelles.
The last quarter of the 20th century, since the country’s Independence in 1976, was an eventful time for the Church in Seychelles, with the
permanent departure of the Capuchin priests and the nationalisation of Catholic schools.
Furthermore, at the beginning of the 21st century, the Church must face new challenges, notably:
the growth of a secularised society indifferent to religious matters, the socio-economic development of the country promoting individualism, and the presence of various religious faiths several of which are opposed to the Catholic Church….
Nevertheless, despite these challenges, the Church has resolutely taken an in-depth journey of renewal, based on the main orientations of the Second Vatican Council.

This is apparent not only in the renovation of infrastructures in the Diocese, but especially in the implementation of the pastoral priorities decided by the Bishop and ratified by the ‘Assemblée du Conseil Pastoral Diocésain’. So as to promote the role of the laity, the parishes are trying to change how they function according to a pre-arranged structure.

The return of the Capuchin priests (through their province in Madagascar), the arrival of the Spiritan priests from Africa and the Carmelite priests from Madagascar has bolstered the Clergy. New communities and lay movements have taken their place alongside long established movements in the Diocese.